My Farm Town Farms
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As the crops change colors so do the farms. Here is a sampling of
my early farms, my current farms, and other people's farms that I've liked.
◱ LEVEL 33!!!!!!!!!!!!!
◱ first one recorded
◱ second one recorded
◱ More of a spider
◱ Beginning of crab?
◱ An early one
◱ Lots of grapes
◱ Level 32!!!! Yeah
◱ I did think of doing a cochroach
◱ Some people have said it looks like a bunny
◱ grapes that aren't ready
◱ When it was a spider
◱ One person thought it was a fleur de lis
◱ I like when the rice is blue.
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20 items. This page was last updated 2018-01-23 19:28:17 MST.