Pictures of my trip into Washington
Picture size (pictures per line):
◱ Doris
◱ Larry
◱ Jean
◱ Jean and Larry
◱ Summer and friends
◱ Summer and friends
◱ Summer and friends
◱ Lois and Connie
◱ Mom taking off her coat at church even though it was freezing.
◱ Mom prancing past the spring flowers.
◱ Tulips
◱ Pansies - Notice the "wonderful" soil. :-)
◱ Daffodils
◱ Mom at her front door.
◱ Mom and her car. It's vintage now.
◱ Mom's house
◱ My sister-in-law, Jan's, father.
◱ Dennis
◱ Dave at Sea-Tac.
◱ It was so cool that we were had connecting flights at the same time.
◱ Proof that we were together. :-) Yeah Sea-Tac Airport.
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21 items. This page was last updated 2018-01-23 19:24:03 MST.