Boy's Day Decor - 2011

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Happy Boy's Day Party
#4  Happy Boy's Day Party
Black Sesame Bean Paste Cakes
#5  Black Sesame Bean Paste Cakes
Bean Paste Cakes made in Hiroshima
#6  Bean Paste Cakes made in Hiroshima
#7  Crackers
Peanut balls
#8  Peanut balls
#9  Furikake
Chop Sticks and soy sauce
#10  Chop Sticks and soy sauce
Somen Salad
#11  Somen Salad
Sushi - little fishies
#12  Sushi - little fishies
Sushi - Cream cheese and salmon
#13  Sushi - Cream cheese and salmon
Sushi - shrimp, eel, salmon, and ahi
#14  Sushi - shrimp, eel, salmon, and ahi
sushi - california and in....
#15  sushi - california and in....
peanut balls
#16  peanut balls
potato balls covered with .
#17  potato balls covered with .
#18  mochi
Some of the kids playing
#19  Some of the kids playing


My grandchildren fishes
#22  My grandchildren fishes
Four of these representing my four sons.
#23  Four of these representing my four sons.

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