Kualoa Fishpond and Garden Tour
Links: [home] Picture size (pictures per line):
◱ Chinaman's Hat
◱ Fishpond
◱ Pier in "50 First Dates"
◱ Starfruit
◱ Rainshower Tree
◱ Kukui Nut Tree
◱ Avocado Tree
◱ Jackfruit
◱ Banana
◱ Pineapple
◱ Coffee Beans
◱ China Man's Hat and Fishpond
◱ Aunt June and Lois enjoying the fishpond tour
◱ Our boat on the pond
◱ Gate where the little fish come in from the ocean, and get fed. Then they get big and can't get back to the ocean. :-)
◱ House where "50 First Dates" was filmed. Where she ate breakfast everyday.
◱ Breakfast House
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