#4 ◱#8425 2010-04-13 5.1M Mom actually opened her eyes today.
#5 ◱#8426 2010-04-13 5.4M Mom was also talking to us in words that were loud enough for me to hear and words I mostly understood.
#6 ◱S7301794 2009-10-03 3.2M When Hulu was there she said, "Isn't that special" and "Oh how sweet."
#7 ◱S7301795 2009-10-03 3.0M When Hulu wasn't there, she said, "I really didn't see stuff." "...lying down..." "...assembly..." and "Yeah, most people know this really ...."
#8 ◱S7301796 2009-10-03 3.1M I couldn't tie any of the conversations into anything, but it was great to hear her talking.
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