St Patrick's Potluck - A Little Bit of Blarney
1 Mar 2013
Links: [prev] [next] [2013] [home] [home] Picture size (pictures per line):
◱ Don Colton, Cindy Colton, Matt Colton
Lois took the picture. :-)
◱ The Carlsons
◱ Faye and Lloyd Munson
◱ Joe and Paige Nemrow
◱ Camerons and Tew
◱ The Merryweather Family
◱ The Drapers
◱ The Drapers
◱ Honored Guests. The Government, Butch Cassidy, Inigo Montoya, Nacho Libre
◱ Honored Guests
◱ Donnette Tew
◱ Tew
◱ Joyce
◱ Celeste and Neil Moss
◱ Moss
◱ The Smiths
◱ The Smiths
◱ Curtis
◱ Curtis
◱ Curtis
◱ Gubler
◱ Gubler
◱ Joel Helms
◱ And a whole bunch of desserts that didn't get photographed.
◱ And more food that didn't get photographed. I guess we were hungry. :-)
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