The week of April 17th - 23, 2016. Summary at Rosewold.
◱ Don's Man Door for his container.
◱ We always seem to be moving things.
◱ Measuring and marking the door placement.
◱ Testing out the grinder.
◱ This is what the grinder looks like from the outside.
◱ This is what it looks like from the inside.
◱ Rosewold view from Lois's Loft.
◱ Rosewold view from Lois's Loft.
◱ Rosewold view from Lois's Loft.
◱ The clematis vine along East Fence.
◱ Azalea along East Fence.
◱ Don figured out how to mount the koi on the top of the containers.
◱ Shadows of the koi.
◱ Lois's container with koi
◱ Both containers with koi. Each koi represents someone in our family. Can you figure out the pattern?
◱ 2016 Grape we planted.
◱ 2016 Grape we planted.
◱ Don eating a really long piece of asparagus. It's smoking. :-)
◱ Lois Container with her big koi.
◱ Don's container with his big koi.
◱ Don and Lois doing a roadway service project.
◱ Missionaries making a game with the grabbers after the work was done.
◱ Del and other E3 service project workers.
◱ Four Elders.
◱ Joseph and Mikey slashed blackberry vines with their Japanese machetes. Then Joseph took Betsie and finished cleaning most of the whole hillside.
◱ Girl on fire. Lois helping Joseph with new cages around trees.
◱ Joseph putting a new cage on a cherry tree.
◱ Joseph cleaning the brush around a cherry tree with his Japanese machete.
◱ Mikey and Joseph playing "Lava." alias Alligator? for older people.
◱ We laughed that adults and kids would never want to walk the tree disks. :-)
◱ Oh, no, Joseph just fell into the Lava.
◱ Mikey is escaping.
◱ Don's Personal Weather Station
◱ Lois spent a lot of time running Betsie. This is cleaning out the apple valley part.
◱ Working on the main path in the middle of the field.
◱ Don added Rosewold Lane to "" It shows up now.
◱ Lois made a new cover for her Facebook page with the view of Rosewold from her Loft's deck.
◱ Don's weather station.
◱ Don's weather station.
◱ Don's weather station.
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40 items. This page was last updated 2016-04-24 20:09:58 MDT.