2016-06-08 Various Kinds of Games This week.
◱ Ann, Calvin, Eva, Adele.
◱ Austin at the slide. Stacia.
◱ Austin uses the slide the way every self-respecting child has ever done. Calvin looks on.
◱ Austin uses the slide the way every self-respecting child has ever done. Calvin looks on.
◱ Calvin goes down the slide. Austin waits at the bottom.
◱ Austin and Rocky at the fire pit.
◱ Acquire, being played by Jean, Calvin, Austin, and Ann.
◱ Acquire, being played by Jean, Calvin, Austin, and Ann.
◱ Acquire, being played by Jean, Ann, and Eva.
◱ Eva, Jean, and Ann play Acquire.
◱ Calvin enjoys the candles and practices his organ footwork on the piano.
◱ Calvin enjoys the candles.
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12 items. This page was last updated 2016-06-13 20:00:36 MDT.