BYU-Hawaii Women's Luncheon with Michael Ballam
29 Nov 2012
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◱ The South Wind Celtic Ensemble charmed us with their prelude music. Ann Gould, Rebecca Carlson, Randy Allred, Russell Carlson, and Keith Lane.
◱ Michael Ballam was our guest speaker.
◱ Michael Ballam
◱ Michael Ballam
◱ Each table had one or more nativity scenes as the centerpiece.
◱ Cindy Colton made the Pot Pies, Brownies, and other foods that we ate!
◱ Be sure to donate food, presents, and money for the Sub For Santa Program. Contact Cindi Watkins.
◱ Emily Wolthuis and Carlyn Hubner.
◱ Trying to figure out the microphone. Jodi Chowen, Eloise Tyau, Molly Curtis.
◱ Sister Woods who was in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir joined Michael Ballam for a duet.
◱ Michael Ballam talking to the Carlsons were are in the South Wind Celtic Ensamble.
◱ Sister Woods
◱ Sister Woods
◱ Sister Woods
◱ Michael Ballam and Misayo Kekauoha.
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